
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Save Money by Being Organized

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

December 6, 2005

Published in

Family Organizing

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Do you walk into a room, intent on looking for something and feel like you want to slam the door shut and run? We often dread having to look for something, because of the piles and overflowing drawers and cupboards we have to sift through. Many people find it easier to just go out and buy what they are looking for, rather than face the daunting task of actually looking for it. It’s less stressful to just buy another package of post-it notes, batteries, or flat of tomato paste. Not surprisingly, many of my clients eventually all admit to this but it is easier to save money by being organized.

When they dive into the piles and disorganized drawers and cupboards, they often find duplicates and triplicates of everything. Enough tomato paste to feed an army. Batteries to light up and operate every electrical device you have and then some.

Stop for a minute and think about how much money you have wasted on duplicate/triplicate purchases. Where else could this money have been spent? Not to mention, how much time would you have saved by not having to make that extra shopping trip?

Disorganization has rippling effects through your paperwork as well. Think about all the late payments and resulting interest charges you incurred because you have misplaced your bills.  You can save money by being organized. But the question is, where to start, right?

As a professional organizer, I recommend starting with a quick sort through your paperwork. Do not belabour over your piles. You will end up wasting your whole day over one item. Set an alarm for 15 minutes. You may not have seven hours or even four, but we all have 15 minutes. Start small, be consistent and develop a habit.

Use the F.A.T. system.

There are only three categories:

  • File it – If you’re keeping it, put it aside and file it.
  • Act on it – If you need to do something to this item, it goes in the action pile.
  • Toss it – Recycle or trash anything outdated or unwanted.

Creating your piles is just the storm before the calm. You must follow through on your action piles. This is critical to getting organized. Streamlining and developing personal systems will keep you organized.

Remember that the biggest barrier to working through your disorganized piles is emotional attachment and inability to focus on one task. If you have procrastinated long enough, call Out of Chaos. We can help you sort and organize. Connect with us through our website. We’d love to hear from you.

Image by KMR Photography on Flickr

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