
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Prioritize and Tackle Tasks in an Organized Way

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

June 25, 2010

Published in

General Organizing

Tagged as

procrastination, productivity, time management

Not knowing how to prioritize and tackle tasks is a common problem. It’s a challenge whether you’re keeping your home decluttered or maximizing productivity for your business. I see it with my clients, and I definitely understand it from personal experience.

As most of my friends and colleagues already know, I’m getting married this year. Naturally, I’m organizing ‘the big event.’ I’m also running my business full-time – running off to consultations and home organizing appointments. And of course, I have a life. How do I avoid burnout? I prioritize.

Before diving headfirst into a long ‘to-do’ list, it is important that you are clear on your vision and goals. Determine what you want to achieve in your organization, business, work, and personal life.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you know what your company vision is? Rather than focus on a vision until retirement, (which is difficult), think about your vision for the next 2-5 years.
  • What are the goals you need to accomplish to meet this vision? Goals should be tangible and realistic. You could increase business revenue by 10%. A personal goal could be to bench-press your body weight.
  • How do your personal goals fit into your day? To reach your goals, you need to adjust your daily routine. Adding one more client phone call during business hours or 5 more minutes of weightlifting at the gym is easy to accomplish.
  • What is essential and valuable to you? Your vision and goals should be personal. Don’t base them on someone else’s, or society’s expectations.

Be clear about what needs to be accomplished. Every action that you take should serve to support reaching this vision. See your goals. Prioritize and tackle tasks in a logical way. Schedule milestones. And once you’ve got that plan, don’t procrastinate. And remember, if you need some help, contact Out of Chaos.

Image by lisa runnels from Pixabay

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