
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Procrastination – How to Avoid it

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

August 5, 2005

Published in

General Organizing

Tagged as

goals, procrastination, work-life balance

If you don’t already know it and live it… all those piles around you are only piles of delayed actions… you know, the things that you will get around to doing later… BUT, we all know that ‘later’ never seems to get here. To avoid procrastination, follow the tips below. They will kick-start you into action and help you to achieve that order and dig you out of your chaos.

15 Minutes

Start small to avoid being overwhelmed.

  • Set your alarm
  • Pick your reward (don’t go out and buy more stuff!)
  • Work with a buddy to hold yourself accountable

Quick Sort

Do the 15 second touch and move everything into FAT piles.

  • File it (things you need to keep)
  • Act on it (things that you need to do)
  • Toss it (things that do not belong to you or that you can discard)

Ponder Piles

Create a ‘Not Sure’ pile. Come back to it and ask yourself:

  • When was the last time you used/accessed this item?
  • Will you miss it if it were no longer there?
  • Did you even remember you owned it?

Keep within Boundaries

It is interesting how your ‘stuff’ multiplies to accommodate the space you give it.

  • Define and limit your space (e.g., only one file of magazine clippings).
  • Keep one new item, but discard or give-away an older one.
  • Box it up, seal the box, date it, inventory it, and recycle it to charity one year from now if you have not opened the box.

By working a little bit at a time, you will avoid procrastination and complete all those tasks you have been dreading.

Need help organizing your home life or learning new habits to stay organized? Be sure to contact Out of Chaos Professional Organizing Solutions at or 604-813-8189.


Photo credit: Olivia Ew on Flickr

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