
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

What a Mess!

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

July 10, 2007

Published in

General Organizing

Tagged as

work-life balance

As a Professional Organizer, we are consultants, who assist in developing systems to organize the piles that have accumulated in peoples lives at home and work.

We are often contacted for hands-on tangible results with your physical possessions. In speaking with my Coach Willie Carter, of The Next Step Personal & Professional Coaching, I am reminded that our physical surroundings can be clues that we are ignoring.

What’s the matter with me? I just can’t seem to keep this area organized! Even after hiring a professional organizer who was fantastic and helped me get rid of ten big green garbage bags of paper 5 months ago. And ever since the piles had, once again, gotten bigger and bigger. Then it hit me! My mess is speaking to me!

It was saying: “You don’t need this office anymore”. I had had my home office for several years and had been seeing my coaching clients and doing my coaching calls from home. You know, your environment never lies. It’s always giving you feedback about where you’re at. So, within a week, I had found my new office space downtown. Cleaning up my home office and keeping it so was a piece of cake after that. And I like cake! So, off to the Swiss Pastry Shop to celebrate my new life.

Several months later, the same affliction showed up in my large walk-in closet. The clothes seemed to end up on a pile in the middle of the floor. And the pile got bigger and bigger. I don’t have that many clothes. What was going on? A little slow on the uptake, once again it hit me: my clothes are speaking to me. So, I gave in and listened…… reluctantly.

There were so many other things I’d rather be spending my time on. So, I rolled my eyes and got on with the job. After a short while, 80% of the pile ended up in the middle of my bedroom floor. My closet looked great. What was left were my favourite clothes and they all matched and were interchangeable. I thanked the pile of clothes for having taken care of me and happily passed them on to charity. Getting dressed in the morning was now a piece of cake! Once again, off to the Swiss Pastry Shop for a little celebration.


  • Identify an area that’s bugging you.
  • What mess-age does your mess have for you?
  • Hire a professional organizer.
  • When you’re done, go celebrate!

Get In Touch

Have a question, or ready to start your organizing journey? Reach out today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a more organized life.

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