
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Does Your Clothing Enhance Your Productivity?

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

September 26, 2022

Published in

Business Organizing

Tagged as

clothing, productivity

We’ve spent two or more years working from home and wearing whatever we want. Now people are moving back to their office spaces and dressing in their office-type clothing. And I wondered, “Does clothing enhance your productivity?”

Enclothed Cognition

About ten years ago, scientists performed experiments asking students to perform specific tasks while wearing lab coats. They told some students the lab coats belonged to painters and others that the lab coats belonged to doctors. The scientists found that students who wore the doctor’s lab coat performed the intellectual tasks better than those who wore the painter’s lab coat – even though their lab coats were identical!

The scientists coined this phenomenon ‘enclothed cognition’ and concluded that people’s ability to acquire knowledge and perform tasks could be influenced by the symbolic meaning and the physical wearing of specific clothes.

Workplace Dress Codes and Productivity

Many workplaces have dress codes that define what the company considers “professional attire.” However, I believe (especially after the COVID-19 pandemic) that dress codes are on their way out due to inherent biases towards those of different cultures and abilities.

Moreover, almost 80% of employees feel their workplace dress code is not beneficial. Additionally, 60% say they would feel more productive if they could wear what they want – a staggering statistic. However, some experts suggest that wearing casual clothing in the office reduces productivity. Because people feel relaxed in their “weekend clothes,” they have trouble focusing on their work in the office.

Note: Dress codes are different from safety clothing and uniforms. Obviously, safety clothing helps protect workers as they perform their job. Uniforms help the public identify who they can turn to for assistance.

What to Wear

If you’re finding this a little confusing, you’re not alone. It is hard to know if clothing will enhance your productivity. Based on the enclothed cognition research, we should wear clothing we think productive people wear. If we think someone like Steve Jobs is highly effective, then perhaps wearing a sweater and jeans might work in our favour. However, if the image of a productive person is someone in a business suit, then that’s what we should wear.

Regardless of what the research indicates, wear clothes that fit well. You can’t focus well if your shoes give you blisters and your undergarments are uncomfortably tight. In addition, choose clothing that keeps you at your ideal temperature. You can also experiment with your wardrobe. Take photos of your outfits and note how much work you do each day. After a few weeks, you’ll know which clothing enhances your productivity. (Hint: It is not your pyjamas!).

Contact the Out of Chaos team for more office productivity and time management advice, or book a workplace productivity presentation.

P.S. While researching this post, I came across this classic 1955 Looney Tunes cartoon, “Bugs’ Bonnets,” where Bugs Bunny’s and Elmer Fudd’s personalities change entirely depending on the hats they are wearing. (Warning: includes a few inappropriate stereotypes by today’s standards).

Image by Ylanite Koppens on Pexels.


  1. Adam, Hajo, and Adam D. Galinsky. “Enclothed Cognition.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Academic Press, 21 Feb. 2012,
  2. Gray, Aysa. “The Bias of ‘Professionalism’ Standards (SSIR).” Stanford Social Innovation Review: Informing and Inspiring Leaders of Social Change, Stanford University, 4 June 2019,
  3. Plummer, Keith, and Sarah Saska. “F*Ck Professionalism: Creating a Workplace That Works for All.” Feminuity, Feminuity, 17 Aug. 2021,
  4. Staff Writers. “New Study: Your Dress Code Could Be Putting off Employees…” Stormline, Stormline, 27 Apr. 2020,
  5. Tulshyan, Ruchika. “Is Casual Dress Killing Your Productivity at Work?” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 17 Oct. 2013,

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