
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Sorting Christmas Lights – All in Lights

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

December 14, 2020

Published in

Home Organizing

Tagged as

christmas, holidays, storage solutions

My sidekick, Lil’ Chu and I made a video to help you to sort and organize your Christmas lights. In our video, we show our simple and easy homemade light sorting system made from cardboard. We spoke of some commercial solutions, which were not shown in our video, so we’ve mentioned them in this post.

String Light Organizers

  • Christmas Light Storage Box: Plastic boxes with four paddles to wind your lights around. Boxes are stackable and have a snap-lock lid.
  • Light Storage Reels: Four easy-to-assemble storage reels that fit nicely in the included storage bag.
  • Clear Tote: Perfect for storing your homemade cardboard light storage solution.
  • Coat Hanger: If you’re looking for another homemade solution for sorting Christmas lights, try wrapping them around a heavy-duty coat hanger. They’ll fit nicely in the back of a closet.
sorting Christmas lights on clothes hangers
Hook one end of the string light around the top part of the hanger then wind the lights around the hanger and plug one end into the other to hold it together.

Did you know the solutions for sorting Christmas lights also work well for your garland? At the end of the holiday season, wrap your garland carefully around cardboard, a coat hanger, or one of our suggested commercial solutions. You’ll avoid knots, tearing, and tangles next year.

If you want help with sorting Christmas lights or need other holiday organizing solutions, contact the Out of Chaos team today.

Many thanks to the video production team!

Video Transcript

Lil’ Chu: Oh Linda, every time I go to put up my lights they look like this! Argh!

Linda: Oh Lil’ Chu! Not again! Every year! Most people have the same problem with this rat’s nest of Christmas lights at the end of the year. While it’s great when you purchase them from the store and they come nice and neat in a box, but after the season, this is what you get!

Lil’ Chu: Right!?

Linda: For sure! So, there is a simple solution. Go into the retail stores and there are great commercial solutions to wrangle all of these Christmas lights. Or something that is really cheap and cheerful at home – everyone has cardboard – especially from all that online shopping that we’re doing nowadays. Here’s a piece of cardboard. You can write down indoor lights or outdoor lights, wrap those cords around and then you can literally file your lights away at the end of the year. Easy-peasy! Everyone can have a solution right at home.

Lil’ Chu: Brilliant! Let’s do this!

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