
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Organize and Donate Your Tech Equipment

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

June 8, 2020

Published in

Home Organizing

Tagged as

charity, donations, technology

During the COVID-19 pandemic, people were staying home to reduce the spread of the virus. Students moved from in-class learning to virtual classes, and it was quite apparent who was able to make this switch technology-wise. Tight family budgets were made even tighter with so many workers out of work or on significantly reduced hours, buying a new computer was just not feasible. If you organize and donate your tech equipment, you can help these families.

The BC Technology for Learning Society can help. They accept computers, laptops, tablets, and various peripherals (modems, printers, etc.) that are Windows 10 compliant. Once received, they wipe all the data from the computers and donate them to schools, non-profits, libraries, and students who might not otherwise have access to the technology they need to succeed. Besides, donating a computer can almost double its life, which reduces electronics waste. If you have recently upgraded your technology, please consider donating your used equipment to the BC Technology for Learning Society.

If you need some advice on how to organize and donate your tech equipment, read on!

Gather It Up

Collect all your unused electronic devices from around your home and place them in one area. Make sure you gather all the chargers and cables that connect to the gadgets – and all of the random ones that you have no idea what they connect to.

Separate the Broken

Sort through your equipment and pull out any broken items. Check for loose cords in power adapters and crack plastic casings and move those items to a box or bin destined for electronics waste.

Play the Match Game

With all of the intact gadgets, match them up with their corresponding chargers and cables. Use small baskets, cardboard boxes, or plastic bags to keep grouped items together.

If you don’t know which power adapter goes with which device, do not worry! GroovyPost can help you solve this problem. They provide a detailed written explanation complete with pictures. For those who would prefer help via video, check out GuruBrew.

Tip: Have a magnifying glass handy so that you can see the tiny writing on the devices and adapters. If you don’t have a magnifying glass, take a picture with your phone and zoom in to see the details.

Only but not Lonely

If you have gadgets but no adapters or adapters with no chargers, do not worry! Many people may be looking for exactly what you have. If it is in good shape and it works, prepare it for donation. You can help someone charge their gadgets by donating your unused power adapters.

Label and Wrap

Now that you’ve got all of your gadgets and corresponding cables grouped together, label everything. You can use a label maker, create labels on your computer, or use a Sharpie marker to write on the equipment. Tip: Use a silver Sharpie to write on black cables and adapters.

Untangle cords and wrap them neatly but not too tightly. Secure cords you are donating with twist ties. Cable ties are better for gadgets you are keeping and will wrap and unwrap frequently.

Organize Your Tech

Store the tech that you’re keeping into labelled zipper seal bags or small bins to keep it grouped together. Check the BC Technology for Learning Society website to see which items you can donate. List older items for free on community freecycle or Buy Nothing groups. You could also sell them on Craigslist or kijiji.

If you need assistance to organize and donate your tech equipment, the Out of Chaos team can help. Contact Linda today through the website today.


Image by rawpixel

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