
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Organizing Workplace Common Areas

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

January 28, 2025

Published in

Office Organizing

Tagged as

declutter, kitchen, management, productivity, safety, storage areas, The CLEAR Process

Workplace common areas, like break rooms and storage areas, are vital to office staff. However, without proper organization, these spaces quickly become chaotic, hindering the team’s productivity and decreasing morale. Here are some steps to effectively organize workplace common areas to ensure they enhance the overall work environment.

Bring the Users Together

Many offices assume that “everyone” is responsible for tidying the common areas. While those are good intentions, in our experience, it often means there are no guidelines for keeping these spaces tidy, and as a result, no one keeps the area tidy.

If you are the staff member who finds the anarchy frustrating, you may need to take the lead on solving the problem. Of course, you’ll need the proper authorization from management before you develop a solution. Additionally, you’ll need support from your co-workers. When everyone can participate in the decision-making, they will be more likely to adhere to the guidelines you create as a group.

Before You Start

Before you schedule an office-wide meeting, it might be wise to circulate an email. Ask people specific questions about the workplace common areas you want to streamline. For example, you could ask:

  • How often do you use [common area], and what tasks do you do there?
  • What works very well in [common area]?
  • What do you find most frustrating about using [common area]?
  • What would make it easier for you to do your tasks in [common area]?

Tip from Linda: Use a survey-type system to collect responses (e.g., Microsoft/Google Forms or your office’s software). This will prevent your inbox from overloading and allow you to easily sift through the information your co-workers provide.

Once you have the participants’ answers, you will likely notice that many are the same or similar. You can collate the responses, problems, and solutions and present them at a meeting. Ideally, before the meeting, approach management and ask about budget limitations. Then, you can give the participants an idea of the solutions you can implement.

Decisions and Responsibilities

In your meeting, confirm with participants who should be responsible for which routine tasks. For example, you could assign daily breakroom/kitchen cleanup to a different team/group each week. Alternatively, your group could include those tasks in the custodial crew’s contract. Additionally, determine a course of action for non-routine tasks, such as what to do if the dishwasher stops working or how to handle seasonal cleaning.

Declutter and Organize the Common Areas

Once you decide on responsibilities, you can start decluttering and organizing the common areas in your office. Ideally, asking for volunteers is the best option, but the group might prefer to have one person from each team on the “Tidy Troupe.”

Whichever area you work on, we suggest you use Out of Chaos’ C.L.E.A.R. Process.

  • Categorize: Sort and place items into logical categories (e.g., mugs, glasses, bowls, etc.).
  • Limit: Limit the items to keep (e.g., two coffee mugs per staff member).
  • Evaluate: Evaluate the usefulness and importance. Don’t keep stuff just because you’ve always kept it.
  • Allocate: Allocate logical locations for items, ideally creating zones (e.g., In the coffee zone, mugs are on the bottom shelf in the cupboard directly above the coffee maker.).
  • Remove: Arrange to dispose of unneeded items. Of course, throw broken items in the appropriate waste stream (garbage, recycling, electronics waste, etc.). Note: You might need to consult with the financial department so they can account for the disbursement of items.

Here are some other tips for decluttering and organizing specific workplace common areas.

Kitchen and Break Room Organization

Establish clear zones for food preparation, dining, and cleanup. Then, label everything! Put labels on the outside of cupboard doors, the inside of cupboards on the shelves, on the shelves in the refrigerator – everywhere! Generally, when people know where to put things back, they put them back in the correct location.

Next, create a process for ordering supplies such as coffee, filters, dish detergent, etc. Some offices print a list of supplies and attach it to a clipboard. If someone notices that supplies are running low, they check the box and write the date and initial. At the end of the week, the designated person checks the list and orders new supplies.

Storage/Supply Areas

When the Out of Chaos team organizes workplace common areas, one of the biggest challenges for our clients is managing supply cupboards. As with kitchen/break areas, it is essential to determine what supplies to order, who orders them, and when.

Firstly, the Tidy Troupe should create a logical organization system for shared supplies and designate zones for different categories of items. Again, label everything. Next, create an inventory management process to track supply levels and reorder promptly to ensure adequate stock. Ideally, appoint a supply coordinator to oversee maintenance and ordering. However, adding a clipboard with an inventory list for people to note when supplies are running low is helpful.

In printer/copier stations, create clearly marked areas for paper storage, finished prints, recycling and shredding. Place large labels on paper and tool (e.g. stapler, scissors, tape, etc.) storage areas. Additionally, post easy-to-understand troubleshooting guides near the machines. Include information on who to contact for assistance and to whom to report technical issues.

Implement Clear Guidelines and Plan for Change

Implement clear policies, procedures, and instructions on managing workplace common areas. When everyone understands the guidelines and expectations, they are more likely to respect and adhere to them. Ensure you discuss these guidelines when you onboard new team members.

Of course, evolution happens; team members, work habits, and technology change over time. Likewise, creating a plan to change the functionality of workplace common areas is vital. For example, when your office opened years ago, every employee had a printer. Now, you have a computer network, and everyone uses an industrial multi-function unit. As a result, you move packages of paper from each person’s desk to a cabinet beside the printer.

Ideally, team members should be able to submit ideas and suggestions on making workplace common areas function more efficiently. For example, someone feels it would be better to store the dishwasher detergent in a cupboard beside the dishwasher rather than under the sink with the other cleaning supplies. Whatever the case, there should be a way for the person to propose an idea and a solution for evaluation by team members. If the team agrees, then the change is made. This “change management system” procedure ensures everyone concurs with updates (and prevents one person from unilaterally changing things).

Final Thoughts

Decluttering and organizing workplace common areas is not a one-time task. In fact, it’s an ongoing process that requires collaboration. By involving all team members and implementing clear guidelines, you can ensure shared spaces will boost productivity and enhance workplace morale.

Contact the Out of Chaos team if you need help working with your team to enhance shared areas in your office space. Our professional office organizers come to you, delivering customized organizing solutions for your needs to improve how your team works and help your business reach its full potential. Contact us today!

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