
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Top 12 Tips to Keep Kids Organized

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

July 8, 2024

Published in

Home Organizing

Tagged as

bedrooms, children, closets, clothing, memorabilia, school, toys

Teaching organizing skills to children is a powerful way to set them up for success. In fact, it will help them learn to set priorities, make plans, stick to tasks – and complete them as they get older. Additionally, orderly environments give children a sense of control and confidence because they see patterns and predict events. However, children can’t do it on their own; that’s why I encourage parents and caregivers to help keep kids organized. Here are a few tips.

Tips to Keep Kids Organized

  1. Encourage children to be part of the organizing process. When decluttering, have them pick out their favourite toys. Then, they can donate a few of the toys from what is left.
  2. Create separate areas for toys, books, and school notices. Install shelving at a lower height. When kids can do it themselves, it builds confidence.
  3. Use clear plastic containers either without lids or with hinged lids. Use coloured bins for toddlers and have kids create labels. Make organizing fun!
  4. Use filing boxes or plastic drawers in the closet for school memorabilia (e.g., art, awards, cards, reports).
  5. Lower the clothes hanging bar or install an additional one in the closet so kids can reach it without assistance. Again, it builds confidence and independence. Consider adding hanging shelves for clothing and shoe storage to maximize the use of vertical space.
  6. Store keepsakes and seldom-used items high in the closet in clear plastic bins with labels. This works well for rotating toys and off-season clothing, too!
  7. Place a laundry hamper inside your child’s room. Install a basketball hoop over it.
  8. Install low-hanging hooks to hang not-too-dirty clothes that they can wear again.
  9. Use under-the-bed storage for toys or clothes.
  10. String a clothesline-type cord horizontally close to the wall for hanging artwork or photos.
  11. To increase floor space, remove the closet doors and use a spring shower rod to hang a bright curtain in its place. Then, open the curtain to enlarge the play area! (This also prevents tiny fingers from getting stuck in bifold or sliding closet doors.)
  12. Use a timer and small rewards (stickers, small toys, etc.) to motivate kids to tidy and organize.

If you need help to keep kids organized, Out of Chaos can provide customized services to suit your needs. Send us an inquiry through our website.

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