
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Be a Good Neighbour on Moving Day

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

August 15, 2022

Published in

Move Management

Tagged as

garbage, pets, removal services, stress-free

Moving day is stressful – but not just for you. The hustle and bustle of movers, furniture, boxes, and giant trucks can impact the people living around you. And while you are relocating to a new part of town or beyond, you should still be a good neighbour on moving day. Likewise, when you move in, you want to make a good impression on your new neighbours. Here are some points to consider in creating a stress-free move for your neighbourhood.

Book a Weekday Move

In the suburbs, weekends tend to be busy. Kids run up and down the sidewalks. People walk their dogs. There are backyard barbeque parties. Moving on a quieter weekday may be advantageous when kids are in school and neighbours are at work. If you’re moving into or out of downtown, the day of the week might not matter. However, you should check when local events are happening. Race weekends, parades, festivals, and even construction can shut down streets, making it impossible for a moving truck to access your building.

Get Permits

In many areas of the city, your moving truck will need a permit to park on the street. Obtain a permit as soon as you know which date you’ll be moving. The permit only covers the moving truck and not the personal vehicles of your moving team. You arrange for personal vehicle parking separately.

Also, you will need to book elevators and loading docks in apartment blocks. Again, book these as soon as possible because sometimes multiple households move on the same day.


Your neighbours may – or may not – have seen the “For Sale” sign on your lawn. They might know you’re moving but not the exact dates. Whether you are moving in or out, be courteous and drop a card with the details in their mailboxes. If you live in an apartment building, slip a note under their door, or post a sign near the elevator (if permitted). Remember to notify the people on the floor below you, too, as moving day can create quite a racket.

Tell neighbours even farther down the street if you live on a narrow road or cul-de-sac. They could be moving the same day, installing a swimming pool, or having a large party. Whatever the reason, you don’t want to have your moving truck unable to maneuver or completely blocked in.

In addition to the date and time, leave a phone number or email address on the card. That way, people can reach you if they need vehicles moved. Besides, your neighbours might want to stop by and wish you well at your new home or welcome you to your new neighbourhood.

Manage Your Team and Pets

Be respectful of your neighbours and manage your moving team. Your muscle-bound cousin might be of great help to move the piano, but no one wants to hear loud music, a constant string of curse words, or have cigarette butts flicked all over their lawn.

Likewise, send your pets to daycare (or a friend’s house) on moving day, so they don’t do their business on your neighbours’ lawns or chase/attack their pets. Pets can also easily escape and get lost, especially in a new, unfamiliar neighbourhood.

Keep it Tidy

Be a good neighbour on moving day and collect and properly dispose of your garbage. You may need to arrange a collection by a disposal company. Some cleaning companies may take care of garbage collection for an extra fee; some may not. Either way, always verify your post-move clean to ensure they clean up their mess. Also, maintain your lawn and garden before moving out and when the house is empty (if you are still in possession).

In apartment buildings, keep common areas tidy. Break down boxes in the recycling area and dispose of everything according to building standards (some condos don’t allow for move-in rubbish & recycling). Don’t overload the waste bins on your move-out day.

Handle Conflict with Grace

No matter how personable you are or try to be, conflicts arise. The people down the street may be angry your moving van is blocking part of the road. The family down the hall might have trouble getting their children to nap with all the noise. Whatever happens, do your best to handle these conflicts with tact and grace.

Hire Professionals

One of the best ways to be a good neighbour on moving day is to hire professionals to help you move quickly and efficiently. Moving company staff have the skills and equipment to lift and maneuver large, heavy pieces of furniture like gravity doesn’t even exist. The truck will be loaded, unloaded, and gone before your neighbours have the chance to complain.

The Out of Chaos staff has decades of experience in move management. We coordinate all the details, from packing and unpacking to arranging pet care, waste disposal, and home cleaning services. We will always make sure you are a good neighbour on moving day. Contact us today for more details on a Stress-Free Move™️.

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