
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

5 Things You Can Throw Away Right Now

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

April 11, 2022

Published in

Home Organizing

Tagged as

declutter, donations

Whether you’re doing spring clearing or preparing to move to a new home, you probably have many of these items stashed away in cupboards and drawers. While the title of this post suggests these are things you can throw away right now, that doesn’t mean you should toss everything into the garbage. You can recycle or donate many of these items. The point is you probably don’t need to keep them.

Hotel and Sample Toiletries

Free samples and mini containers from hotels are a great way to test products before purchasing them. But after a while of collecting, those cute little bottles become an ugly mess. If the bottles are unopened and haven’t expired, donate them. If they are opened, use them up or pour the contents down the sink and recycle the containers.

Cosmetics Bags

Some cosmetics companies send you a free cosmetic bag with every purchase. You can put them to good use. Besides using them for your suitcase or gym bag, you can use them as pencil cases or to tote around electronics such as your phone charger and cables. They also make handy portable first-aid kits. However, if they are just piled in your cupboard or closet, it’s time to donate them. Let someone else put them to good use.

Personal Care Supplies

It’s time to throw out rusty, dull razors, nail trimmers, and tweezers. Also, toss out worn-out emery boards and broken brushes and combs. If you have unopened or unused supplies, you could ask agencies if they will accept them. However, most will only accept new, unopened items due to hygiene concerns.

Coffee Mugs

When working with clients, we often find a collection of coffee mugs even if the clients don’t drink coffee. It’s great to have enough mugs for your family and a few guests, but beyond that? We could consider it clutter. Of course, there are other uses for coffee mugs. You might choose a pretty one for holding your make-up brushes, razor, or toothbrush. Mugs can be handy to store pens, pencils, or paintbrushes at your workstation. However, if you have more than you will ever use, donate the ones in good shape and toss the rest.


No one needs broken hangers – toss them in the trash! Return wire hangers to your dry cleaners1. Sort your clothes so that heavier items such as winter coats are on heavy-duty hangers, and use the light-duty hangers for shirts and blouses. Keep a few extra hangers for guests. Then, donate your excess hangers.

Did this list of things you can throw away right now inspire you to keep decluttering? Here are more things you can downsize now, and you can read more about decluttering and organizing your sheets, towels and more. For hands-on help, contact the Out of Chaos team today.

Image by Manfred Richter on Pixabay

1. Sometimes, my clients keep one or two wire coat hangers because they are helpful to fish toys out of furnace vents or handy for other home repairs.

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