
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Storage Container Sales

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

January 17, 2022

Published in

Home Organizing

Tagged as

containers, declutter, money-saving, storage solutions

Over the past few weeks, store advertisements have flooded my inbox with their storage container sales. The deals are tantalizing – from shelving units and storage bins to food containers and toolboxes. Discount prices seduce you with the idea that by purchasing these containers, you can miraculously organize your home. Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work that way in real life. But if you follow these steps, you’ll be able to maximize your organizing while minimizing the cost.

1.     Declutter

Stashing your possessions into a storage container isn’t organizing; it’s hiding everything out of sight. That might be useful if guests are knocking on your door, but it doesn’t help you in the long run. It is essential to declutter before shopping the storage container sales. I’ve written about 100 articles, so browse the decluttering archives for my tips on addressing your mess.

2.     Designate a Storage Area

Designate a storage area for your items. If you use them regularly (daily or weekly), you should store them close to where you use them. You could keep tools you use less frequently in other areas. For example, you might use a fondue set in the kitchen, but if you only use it once or twice a year and the space in your kitchen is limited, you could store it in a container at the top of the linen closet.

3.     Buy Organizing Supplies

Once you have decided on a location, measure the stuff you are keeping and the place (shelf, drawer, etc.) where you will store it. This will give you an idea of the size of the bin, basket, or box you need to purchase. Next, (as any good woodworker will tell you) measure again because it’s easier – and less expensive – to measure twice and buy once than the other way around.

Take Advantage of Storage Container Sales

Generally, storage container sales happen in January to help those with New Year’s Resolutions to declutter. Stores also have discounts in late August and early September as people re-organize before children go back to school. Once you know these dates, you can take advantage of them by following the Out of Chaos CLEAR process before shopping.

Remember, if you feel pressed for time or overwhelmed, the Out of Chaos team can help. Contact us today.

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