
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Productivity Pointers from Productive People – Jane Veldhoven Edition

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

February 15, 2021

Published in

Business Organizing

Tagged as

entrepreneurs, productivity pointers, schedule

Do you ever wonder how some business leaders are so productive? They are incredibly busy yet accomplish what they want in less time than many others. As a Professional Organizer, I’m lucky to meet many inspiring individuals who fall into this illustrious category.  In this Productivity Pointers from Productive People segment, I am pleased to interview Jane Veldhoven, owner of Get Organized by Design, to learn what makes her organized and successful.

What are the biggest time wasters in your life? What do you do to manage them?

The biggest time-waster for me is trying to multitask. Switching back and forth between tasks often results in me losing time, not saving time.

To manage my time better, at the end of every day, I plan for the following day and stick to my plan. I have learned that this is the best way for me to accomplish my daily goals. That was especially important while filming The Big Downsize for VisionTV** and managing client projects simultaneously.

Tell us about your everyday essentials for business (e.g., smartphone, apps, virtual assistant, etc.).

The essentials for running my business are my laptop, smartphone, and definitely my assistant!

How do you manage and organize yourself electronically (online, smartphone, computer)?

I use Outlook Tasks to track every single thing that I have to do in my work and personal life. I even add reminders to follow-up with people who may not respond to my phone messages or email. Outlook Calendar is what I use to plan my entire life, including client appointments, personal appointments, and meetings with myself to move projects forward.

How do you organize and file your paper information?

I am trying to eliminate as much paper information as possible. I have a few essential files right next to my desk for easy access.

What is your top tip for staying organized & productive?

Tracking every single task, project, promise I make for client deliverables, and personal commitments in either my Calendar or Tasks.

What do you do to achieve work-life balance?

Like many entrepreneurs, I am not really great at work-life balance. However, I book personal time in my calendar each week for exercise and to enjoy the company of friends and family.

Learn more about Jane Veldhoven. Read more productivity pointers from productive people.


**The Big Downsize is an exploration of why we love our possessions so much and the emotional baggage and stress that comes crashing down when there is no choice but to let things go. It’s a real-life roller coaster everyone will connect with. Watch past episodes of The Big Downsize on Vision TV.

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