
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Decluttering Your Life in 2021

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

January 10, 2021

Published in

In the News, General Organizing

Tagged as

declutter, resolutions

I was quoted in the CBC News article 3 tips for decluttering your life in 2021 along with a few colleagues. However, it doesn’t matter when you start organizing; you can apply these tips at any time.

Get Help to Get Focused

A family member or a friend can help you focus on decluttering and organizing. Not all people are suited for all situations, though. For example, if your task is sorting and organizing your email, your helper should be somewhat tech-savvy. However, not everyone is comfortable having someone else around. Read more about how to handle a friend who wants to help.

Break Down Big Tasks

People tend to procrastinate because big projects seem overwhelming. Breaking projects into smaller easy-to-complete tasks can help. For example, work on decluttering one kitchen drawer or cupboard at a time. It is more manageable than organizing the entire kitchen in one afternoon. Remember that even working very slowly, you are still making progress.

Set a Timer

I recommend using a timer when working on a project. It will help you focus on an unpleasant chore. Once the timer goes off, allow yourself to celebrate your success in completing the task. And just think, working for just 15 minutes every day adds up to almost two hours each week and over seven hours in a month!

Finally, I also recommend giving yourself a little grace – especially during tough times like the COVID pandemic. “Recognize that there are a lot of stressors among us and take that time to say it’s not going to be perfect, and things are going to get messed up. And keep on plodding on.”

Please read my other articles for more New Year’s Resolutions advice. For hands-on help for decluttering your life in 2021, contact the Out of Chaos team.

Image by Teddy on rawpixel.

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