
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Escaping Quicksand

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

August 10, 2020

Published in

General Organizing

Tagged as

processes, procrastination, productivity

Do you have so many different projects and tasks that you feel like you’re sinking in quicksand? It happens to me sometimes too. But interestingly, we can apply the techniques used to escape quicksand to get us back on track.

What is Quicksand?

Quicksand is a mixture of sand (or silt, or clay) and water. When the water in the sand cannot drain away, it creates a liquid-solid mixture that can’t support your weight. It is often found in tidal areas – even in the Vancouver area.

The good news is that you can’t sink or drown in quicksand. The bad news is that if you remain trapped too long, you may lose blood circulation in your legs, or the tide may come in, and you will drown.

Our work and home lives mix together, like sand and water. We have so many tasks and so little time. Priorities and deadlines become blurred, and we get stuck – up to our waist in stuff we have to get done. The good news is that our task list won’t kill us, but we have to make some progress so we can reduce stress and enjoy life.

How to Escape the Quicksand

Don’t Panic: You won’t sink and suffocate in quicksand, and you won’t suffocate in your work – even though it feels like it. Stay calm and make a plan.

Lighten the Load: If sinking in quicksand, remove your heavy clothing and backpack. At work, delete tasks that won’t help you move forward. Delegate work that is outside your skillset.

Move Slowly but Surely: Prioritize your work. Focus on one thing at a time and work towards its completion. Don’t try to multitask. When you finish one job, move to the next one.

Take frequent breaks. Although it might seem counter-intuitive, you need to take breaks. If you become too tired, you can’t maximize your productivity. Work in short bursts with short rests in between.

Ask for Help: If you feel like you can’t get out on your own, ask Out of Chaos for help. Contact us through our website.

Image by Simon Steinberger from Pixabay.


Bakalar, Nicholas. “Quicksand Science: Why It Traps, How to Escape.” National Geographic, National Geographic, 28 Sept. 2005.

Can You Survive Quicksand?” Hosted by Jonny Phillips, I Didn’t Know That, National Geographic, 19 Mar. 2013.

Staff. “How to Escape from Quicksand.” Mental Floss, Minute Media, 19 Feb. 2018.

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