
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Deciding to Delegate

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

November 18, 2019

Published in

Business Organizing

Tagged as

entrepreneurs, management, productivity

We’ve mentioned the 5Ds of Decision Making; Delete, Delegate, Do, Document, and Defer. One of the hardest things that many entrepreneurs and managers have trouble with is deciding to delegate tasks. They may be accountable for the results, but they may not have to perform all the tasks. Often, they know that they should delegate some jobs but are unsure which ones would to assign to someone else. Here are some tips to help you when deciding to delegate tasks and assignments.

Unnecessary Tasks

If the task is not your responsibility, let it go. You might enjoy talking to the staff at the office supply store but if ordering supplies is not your job, then hand off this task to someone else. And remember, if the task is completely unnecessary, then don’t delegate it, delete it.

Tasks Outside Your Ideal Skill Set

Even if you can perform a task, you might not be able to do it as well or as quickly as someone else. You may be able to prepare and file your business’s income taxes but it might take you twice as long as it would take for an accountant to do it – and you’ll be frustrated and grouchy! Free up some time and engage someone who has well developed skills in a specific area and enjoys doing the work.

Clearly Defined Routine Tasks

Don’t spend your days doing busy work. Delegate routine tasks to someone else. Just make sure that there are clearly defined procedures on how to do the job. By including troubleshooting steps in the procedures, your teammate will be more self-sufficient in solving problems – and less dependent on you.

Whole Projects

Delegating a whole project to a teammate can be beneficial. This will help the person develop their project management skills and prevent you from having keep track of who is doing what and when. This works best for projects that are semi-independent of day-to-day business activities such as researching a new system or developing a presentation on a specific subject.

When deciding to delegate, there are some tasks that entrepreneurs/managers should not hand off. Read on to see what duties should remain your responsibility.

Planning and Development

You are responsible for managing your business and your team. This is not something that you can delegate to someone else. You can ask for input from team members, you can consult a coach or mentor, but in the end, it is your responsibility.

Confidential Matters

While team members may deal with some confidential client information, the business owner/manager must be the person to deal with confidential team member/employee business. Likewise, praise and discipline must come directly from you as well.

Poorly Defined Tasks

Make sure the person to whom you are delegating a task understands the objectives and the work required. If not, take the time to build parameters around the job. Otherwise it will be a waste of time for everyone.


Your authority and expertise are needed to resolve crises. Passing this obligation on to someone who does not have the proper background could damage your business’s reputation. Challenging and time consuming though it may be, keep this as your responsibility.

Learning what to delegate and what not to, is a challenge. If you are struggling to figure out what you should get done and what you can hand-off, contact Out of Chaos for advice and assistance. Our workplace services can help you establish efficient systems and productive habits so you can maximize your time. Email us at or call 604-813-8189.

Image by Nguyen Hung Vu on Flickr.

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