
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

A Morning Routine to Boost Productivity

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

April 15, 2019

Published in

General Organizing

Tagged as

habits, schedule, work-life balance

Small changes can have a noticeable impact on your mood and productivity levels at home and in the office. Here are a few ways to streamline your morning routine to set you up for a less stressed and more productive day.

Get Ready for the Night Before

Getting ready the night before saves you from having to do all of these things in the morning.

  • Decide on the outfit you will wear the next day, even if you don’t have the space to lay it all out. Use a small tray or decorative dish to corral the accessories you’ll wear with your outfit, such as a watch, cuff links, earrings, etc.
  • Gather the items you need to take to work and pack them in your bag. Always leave your keys, phone, and wallet/purse in the same spot so you will always know where they are. In the morning, all you need to do is grab your bag on the way out the door and you will have everything you need.
  • Pack at least part of your lunch. You are more likely to make healthy choices when you are less rushed. Non-refrigerated items like fruit, muffins, and granola can be easily put in your lunchbox the night before.
  • Get set for breakfast. Prepare your coffee maker for your breakfast coffee. You can even pour your cereal into the bowl so all you have to do in the morning is add the milk.
  • If you have pets, refresh their water and prepare food for their breakfasts.
  • Place your electronic devices on their chargers.

Eat Breakfast

We think we can survive only on coffee until noon but a proper breakfast boosts our productivity. Eating some complex carbohydrates, whole fruits, and proteins (cheese, peanut butter, eggs) will keep you energized. If you have trouble eating first thing in the morning, have something small, then eat your healthy breakfast at mid-morning coffee break time. Check out these amazing fast and easy breakfast recipes from Health Canada.

Check Your Agenda

Checking your agenda as part of your morning routine is especially important if you share calendars with co-workers or family members. Meeting times or locations may have changed. A quick review will ensure you are prepared, and nothing will take you by surprise.

Check Your Email But…

You’ve probably heard productivity consultants tell you not to check your email in the morning. They are right – in a way. You should check it but not process it. Checking your email is the same as checking your agenda. You can see if there are any immediate and important changes that you need to make in your day. Just remember, don’t answer back unless they need confirmation that you’ve seen the updates. Anything else can wait until you’re at your desk.

Avoid Social Media

Open Facebook and you’ll see a video of your sister’s cat. Before you know it, you’ve seen six cat videos, four dog videos, and some pygmy goats dancing in fleece pyjamas – and now you’re going to be late for work. Save social media for later in the day, not your precious morning hours.

Allow for Extra Commute Time

Your car tire pressure is low, requiring a stop at the gas station for some air. The water main burst on your normal route, or your bus is rerouted to the side streets and moving incredibly slowly. A good rule is to add 25% – 50% more time to your commute than you think it will take. If you get to work early, you’ll be able to relax and better prepare for your day at the office.

If you struggle to get ready the night before or build a proper morning routine, contact Out of Chaos. Our residential services can help you establish efficient systems and productive habits so you can maximize your time.

Image by Karolina Kaboompics on rawpixel.

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