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Productivity Pointers from Productive People – Cissy Pau Edition

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

May 24, 2017

Published in

Business Organizing

Tagged as

productivity pointers, schedule, work-life balance

Do you ever wonder how some business leaders are so productive? They are incredibly busy, yet accomplish what they want in less time than many others. As a Professional Organizer, I’m lucky to meet many inspiring individuals who fall into this illustrious category.  In this Productivity Pointers from Productive People segment, I am pleased to interview Cissy Pau, a highly commended human resources consultant, to learn what makes her organized and successful.

What are the biggest time wasters in your life? What do you do to manage them?

I seem to waste the most time reading the news. Most headline news is salacious, depressing, and not very uplifting – nor is it actually newsworthy. But it’s easy to get caught up in the latest of what the newsmakers have done or not done. I often go on ‘news fasts’ where I stop reading any news (online or in print) just to get away from the barrage of negative media.

Tell us about your everyday essentials for business (e.g. smartphone, apps, virtual assistant? etc.).

I’m a bit of a late adopter of technology so I don’t use many of the latest gadgets, apps or programs. My must-haves are my MacBook Pro and my iPhone. Applications that I can’t live without are Microsoft Office (Word, Excel & Powerpoint), Mail, Safari, and Daylite.

How do you manage and organize yourself electronically (online, smartphone, computer)?

We use Daylite as our CRM to keep track of all opportunities, projects and client correspondence. It’s accessible from my iPhone and syncs with Mac and iPhone calendars and contacts so information is readily available while at my desk or on the go.

How do you organize and file your paper information?

I use binders to keep track of everything. I assign a binder to each client and add up to 10 tabs for different topics (e.g. contracts, notes, projects, etc.). Anything in hard copy goes into the binder. Corresponding electronic client files are set up for any electronic documents and emails. I’m a big fan of folders and subfolders.

What’s your top tip to staying organized & productive?

Keep multiple calendars. I have 7 colour-coded calendars that keep me organized – a Personal and Work calendar for both me and my husband, a Client Time calendar for client meetings and phone calls, a Tentative calendar for times I have offered to others for meetings but where they haven’t yet confirmed (to avoid double-booking with more than 1 person), plus a Time Tracking calendar that is used to block off time to work on projects.

What do you do to achieve work-life balance?

Running your own business, it’s easy to work 24/7. I have made a concerted effort during the past year to limit the amount of time I spend working after dinner. I have learned to lower my expectations and standards because achieving perfection isn’t possible – “done beats perfect” in many circumstances. Sometimes McDonald’s with the family is ok rather than making a home-cooked meal, or letting the dishes sit overnight rather than feeling the pressure to do them right away.

Learn more about Cissy Pau. Read more productivity pointers from productive people.

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