
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Top 3 Moving Tips from a Professional Organizer

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

April 18, 2017

Published in

Move Management

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Let’s be honest; few people love moving. It’s exciting to change homes, but the actual moving day can be hectic (and expensive!). However, as someone who has helped many people change homes over the years, I assure you the process doesn’t need to be overly stressful. The trick? Be organized. Here are 3 moving tips I’d like to share:

1. Preparing Early

Before you’ve signed any papers, I recommend taking inventory of what will move with you. Now is a great time to let go of what you no longer use or love. If you’re downsizing, seriously consider what you need (or will fit) in your new home. Begin the process of selling, donating or storing items as early as possible.

2. Use Checklists

Follow checklists to remind you of what you should do and when. For example, two months before the move, you should get quotes from several moving companies and choose one. One month before the move, you should alert utility providers. And so on. If you’re interested in a comprehensive address change checklist, scroll to the bottom of this post, sign up for the monthly newsletter, and you’ll get a link to download the checklist.

3. Use a labelling system

I’m a big believer in using colour-coded labels and signs. They can help make moving much more efficient.

  • Purchase colour-coded stickers for your moving boxes. Base the colour on what room the boxes should be delivered to. For example, green = master bedroom. (Also, list what is in the box for your own sake. This helps you out later!)
  • Create a colour-coded sign for each room. If green is the designated colour for the primary bedroom, stick a green sign on the bedroom door.
  • If you have a large home, make a colour-coded legend for your movers. Give the movers a handout that maps or lists what colour belongs to what room. Green= primary bedroom, red= kitchen, etc.

Create a labelling system early, so you’re all set when the moving truck arrives! For more information on packing, check out my post on the Top 7 Packing Tips for a Successful Move.

While I can’t say a move will be relaxing, I promise it will be easier if you follow these 3 moving tips.

Need some additional assistance? From helping you dispose of unwanted items to helping you set up your new home, Out of Chaos Professional Organizing Solutions provides a wide range of organizing and move management services. Contact us today.

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