
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

We CLEAR, You Clean

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

May 31, 2016

Published in

General Organizing

Tagged as

cleaning, declutter, The CLEAR Process

Life gets busy and we forget (or procrastinate) to do things we don’t like doing, like spring cleaning. Here at Out of Chaos, we prefer to call it Spring CLEARing. Follow our easy CLEAR process and do your spring-clearing chores before summer gets here!

The CLEAR Process

Categorize: The process of sorting and placing your household items into categories.

Limit: Reduce the items you are going to keep to make space in your home. Do you even remember you owned this? Choose between your space or your stuff.

Evaluate: Understand the benefit and value that your possessions have in your life. Is it important to have this item in your space? Is it more emotional or useful? Keep your goal in mind, when you are in doubt and struggling.

Allocate: The process in which you need to decide where to keep and store items. Allocate a room and a container to house your possessions. Commit to a consistent location so that a habit can be formed with repeated use. Choose storage solutions based on the frequency of access and volume of goods.

Remove: The disbursement of unwanted belongings. Read how to make it easier by following the 4Cs: Cash, Consign, Craigslist, or Charity. The remaining options are to recycle and/or dispose of your unwanted items.

Now that you have CLEARed your possessions Out of Chaos style, you’re ready to do some spring cleaning! (If not you, outsource and hire a cleaner as a reward!)

Make Spring Cleaning Easy With These Apps

  • TaskRabbit – Hire a cleaner, a handyman or someone for any routine task or daily errand without having to commit to a regular schedule. Call someone in, they do the job for you, and it’s as easy as that. Fully insured and verified by AskForTask, their review-based platform ensures that service providers go above and beyond to get a five-star rating.
  • Think Dirty – The easiest way to learn about the potentially toxic ingredients in your cosmetics and personal care products. Just scan the product barcode and Think Dirty will give you easy-to-understand information on the product, its ingredients, and shop cleaner options!

Now that you have all the tools to conquer your chaos, we hope you are more motivated towards spring cleaning and spring clearing!

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

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Have a question, or ready to start your organizing journey? Reach out today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a more organized life.

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