
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Get Organized and Enjoy Your Life

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

July 27, 2010

Published in

In the News, General Organizing

Tagged as

information management, time management, work-life balance

It’s frustrating when you are stuck in the office while everyone else is enjoying the summer sunshine. Are you taking a pass on the neighbourhood barbecue because you’re just getting to your income taxes – in August? It might be time to get organized and enjoy your life.

This month, The Scrivener Magazine published my article “Get Organized and Enjoy More Time (pdf),” with tips to get organized and stay organized. Below are some excerpts that you may find helpful.

Have A Game Plan For Better Time Management

Interruptions are a fact of life and work. Whenever something interrupts our work, it takes us 15 to 20 minutes to get back into prime focus. That’s just one interruption. Imagine if the average employee in your organization loses 20 minutes a day of focus. The combined wages add up quickly, not to mention lost productivity.

Focusing on what matters most at any given moment is the key to a successful priority action plan. Unexpected interruptions and emergencies will always arise. But you can create a game plan and identify your high-priority tasks. Then, you will have a better sense of control in your day.

Paper and Information Management

Divide your information into 3 categories:

  1. Active Information: Place information that requires action into a priority action plan, like a Tickler File or Bring Forward File (BFF).
  2. Reference Materials: You do not need to perform any action on reference materials, but you may need to read them occasionally. Move them away from your immediate work surface into a dedicated filing system.
  3. Archives: You may need to keep certain documents due to financial or legal legislation. Move these items out of your office or even off-site if you have limited space.

Delegation and Outsourcing

Is this something that you must do personally, or can you delegate this task to someone else? Even if you are ultimately responsible for this task, you may be able to delegate a portion of it.

Break down each step required for completion. Then, determine which portions you can delegate. You can still manage the outcome without having to do all the work.

Do you want to get organized and enjoy your life? Get help from a professional organizer today.

Image by Felix on rawpixel.

Get In Touch

Have a question, or ready to start your organizing journey? Reach out today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a more organized life.

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