
Two books with yellow and beige covers are placed on a stack of cut logs.

Making the Move Less Stressful

Written by

Linda Chu

Published on

August 27, 2008

Published in

Move Management

Tagged as

declutter, entrepreneurs, information management

They say moving is one of the top five stress-inducers, right up there with the job interview, the pink slip, divorce, or critical illness. But the move doesn’t have to be a ticking stress-bomb. The Out of Chaos team coordinates every little detail for both home and business owners making the move less stressful.

Changing homes? Moving offices? Organizing before and during the move will make the transition go a lot easier. Here are some tips to help the move go as smoothly as possible.

Home and Home-Based Business Move Tip

Take what you really need – not what you need to fill your new space. How often do people move into a new home and have “buyer’s remorse.” Maybe the kitchen isn’t big enough, or there isn’t enough storage space. Why are people parking their expensive cars out on the street, at the mercy of any falling tree branch or passing trouble-maker, because they are using their garage for storage? If people are really honest with themselves, they may realize that they just moved into a larger home just to store more junk.

Organize what you really need to keep. Sell, recycle, or donate the rest. It will make your life a lot easier. Take the opportunity now to stop the cycle of moving unopened boxes from one home to another.

Office Move Tip

Purge, file, box… pizza. The company has grown out of its old space and now finding that storage space is mission-critical. Storing records on-site or paying extra for storage space off-site can have an impact on a company’s operational effectiveness and its bottom line.

But what’s going into all those boxes? Proper records management is essential for business operations, security, and auditing.

Have a staff “records-management pizza party” to turn the pre-move organization into an opportunity for team-building. Here’s an opportunity to create a retention schedule, cull inactive records, and ensure that vital records are stored (and backed-up!) properly. Once you’ve moved, do this on a regular basis in accordance with your disposition schedule.

The Out of Chaos team can help you organize your home or office for your big move and develop a system that will keep you organized for the long term.

Need to get ready for that big move? Here are some great suggestions on moving organizing. If you need hands-on help in making the move less stressful, contact Out of Chaos today.

Image by roungroat on rawpixel.

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