Cathy Clark, a personal professional coach, had some straight-forward thoughts to share with me when we were speaking about the subject of clutter. She feels that often our physical space is a direct reflection of where our minds are. She suggests a three part recipe to create a clear mind.
If your space around you is a complete jumble and rather out of control, that may not be the only thing out of line. Our minds can certainly become cluttered, too. In fact this can paralyze some people from functioning at work, or home. When I am coaching clients I often ask them to describe what the space they work in looks like. For those who say “it’s a horrible mess, I can’t find a thing…!” I offer this approach. I have them use a simple three part recipe to clearing your mind, so you can get on with clearing your physical space, too.
First, be aware of your thoughts. Slow down and Think about what you need to do first, what is important, not what appears to be urgent.
Secondly, tell others what your plans are, and ask for help. So Speak about what you are about to do.
Lastly, take the action, even if it is baby steps. So, Act on it.
That’s the simple recipe, Think it, Speak it, Act on it. Remember nothing happens, until something happens.
Sometimes, that something is decluttering and organizing your physical space. A clear space can hep with a clear mind. If you need assistance, the Out of Chaos team is available to help. Simply contact us through our website, by email at or by phone at 604-813-8189.